
Astanza Tattoo Removal News: Season 1, Episode 10

astanza tattoo removal news season 1 episode 10

Astanza is back with another episode of Astanza Tattoo Removal News and this month’s episode features a special announcement: A brand new aesthetic laser device has joined Astanza’s product line! Plus, watch the video for exclusive information on our latest offerings, marketing strategies, and resources for laser tattoo removal practitioners and an inside look at a laser tattoo removal business celebrating its first anniversary.

Get a summary of each segment and watch the full video below.


Introducing the PicoStar® Laser


David Murrell, president of Astanza Laser, joined Astanza Tattoo Removal News in this episode to announce the newest aesthetic laser device to join Astanza’s product line.

The PicoStar® is a third-generation pico laser emitting a pulse with a maximum duration of 400 picoseconds – 15 times shorter than standard q-switched lasers. David explains how the PicoStar® is the best laser for practitioners wanting to provide more than one service in their aesthetic business. Thanks to the variety of handpieces, its versatile wavelengths, and high peak power, the PicoStar® can remove tattoos and pigmented lesions, correct skin pigmentation, and treat other skin concerns such as acne scars, fine lines, and wrinkles.

If you’re interested in learning more about the PicoStar®, upgrading your laser technology, or opening a laser business with the best pico laser in the industry, click here to fill out a form and get started today!

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Benefitting from Astanza’s Resource Library

At Astanza, we’re passionate about guiding laser business owners every step of the way throughout their entire business journey. Our Aesthetic Resource Library provides industry-specific strategies with videos, webinars, ebooks, and brochures that give laser practitioners expert information on our lasers, how to run a successful laser business, training and clinical education, and more!

For example, our newest webinar, “Building a Profitable Aesthetic Laser Business,” is an excellent addition to the library, which contains vital steps needed to ensure a successful start to your business. The webinar includes information on state laser regulations, acquiring and following a proper financial business plan, and getting the best industry training so practitioners can build a profitable laser business.

Ink Eraser Shows Off Their Shop

To round out the episode, we featured a client’s decorated space as they celebrate their one year with Astanza’s Duality and the Halloween spirit! Cassie Farkas, the owner of Ink Eraser Tattoo Removal, sat with our Client Success Manager, Amy Yan, to share more about her first anniversary and provide insight into what a year in business as a laser tattoo removal practitioner entails.

During the interview, Farkas expresses how she single-handedly moved her business forward from renting a single treatment room in another business’s space to having a space to call home. Farkas also talks about her experience with Astanza, how she made her purchasing decision, and how Astanza has supported her every step of the way. She also noted how New Look Laser College, Astanza’s training division, was a significant factor in trusting Astanza with her business. Due to the expert engineers that trained her, business consultants with information on business operations and marketing strategies, and the overall team’s support, Farkas gained helpful insight into Astanza’s all-encompassing client support.

Read the full blog of Cassie’s interview here.

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