
Pigmentation Treatments

Laser Treatments for Pigmentation

Astanza’s Q-switched lasers are highly effective for treating pigmentation and removing pigmented lesions. This fast, easy, and profitable procedure can treat a variety of common skin blemishes across the body, including sensitive areas such as the face or neck.

About Pigmented Lesions

Pigmented lesions are darker areas of the skin caused by excess melanin in skin cells. Some pigmented lesions are present at birth, such as birthmarks, and some are acquired over time, such as sunspots on sun-exposed areas.

Key examples of pigmented lesions include freckles, moles, age spots, cafe-au-lait spots, sunspots, Nevus of Ota, Nevus of Ito, Mongolian spots, etc.

Most pigmented lesions are benign, but some are melanomas. Because pigmented lesion laser treatment is only for cosmetic purposes, we recommend that all pigmented lesions be cleared by a medical professional (preferably a dermatologist) for treatment.

The Procedure for Q-Switched Laser Treatment for Pigmented Lesions

During treatment, Q-switched laser pulses are applied directly to the complete area of the lesion. The skin cells containing excess melanin absorb the intense laser energy, heat up, and degenerate. Meanwhile, the surrounding skin tissue is unharmed. As the area heals after treatment, the immune system flushes away the dead skin cells and reveals lighter, unblemished skin.

Procedure time depends on the size of the lesion treated. An age spot can take a single second to treat, while a large birthmark or nevus can take up to a few minutes. Patients may experience slight discomfort during the procedure, but the side effects are minimal.

Typical Results

Most pigmented lesions can achieve complete removal after an adequate number of Q-Switched laser treatments. With Astanza’s line of medical-grade laser technology, some small lesions (such as freckles or age spots) may take a single treatment to remove―others can take six or more treatments, depending on a variety of factors.

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Astanza's Pigmentation Technology

The Asclepion QuadroStarPROYELLOW,       backed by Astanza

Asclepion DermaBlate®,       backed by Astanza

Asclepion PicoStar®,               backed by Astanza

The Astanza Trinity

The Astanza                                     Duality Signature

The Astanza EternityTSR

The QuadroStarPROYELLOW laser features a very homogeneous beam profile for safer treatments. The standard handpiece offers high-precision optics with various spot sizes so you can ensure your clients are getting the best vascular treatments.


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The DermaBlate® is the first laser with a special foot switch that allows physicians to vary the fluence and pulse length, giving them the capability to offer a range of services including treatments for pigmentation.


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The PicoStar®’s versatile wavelength capabilities, ultra-short pulse durations, and high-energy production deliver unmatched efficiency across a variety of aesthetic procedures including the treatment of pigmentation.


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The Trinity’s versatile wavelength capabilities gives it the ability to perform a wide range of services, including treating pigmentation and pigmented lesions.


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In addition to the standard and optional handpieces, the Duality Signature also has additional microbeam handpieces (8 mm DF and 9 mm HC) to expand a provider’s services with laser skin resurfacing.


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The EternityTSR is known for its wide range of services, including laser tattoo removal and pigmentation.


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