Aesthetic Laser Treatments
Astanza Laser Technology & Treatments
Astanza Laser’s line of sophisticated aesthetic lasers performs a range of popular procedures, including laser tattoo removal, hair removal, skin resurfacing, and more. Add to your business’s bottom line by adding on sought-after aesthetic treatments with an advanced, FDA-cleared Astanza Laser device.

Laser Tattoo Removal
Laser tattoo removal is easy to perform and yields impressive results. Advanced Q-switched laser technology, based on decades of clinical research, creates enhanced tattoo ink shattering with less risk to patient skin. Equipped with superior Astanza technology, practitioners can now enter the field of laser tattoo removal with confidence.

Laser Hair Removal
Unwanted hair is one of the biggest cosmetic concerns for women and men everywhere, making it one of the most sought-after aesthetic laser treatments. Safe for all skin tones, the Asclepion MeDioStar®, backed by Astanza, offers the perfect solution for dealing with bothersome hairs on the legs, bikini, back, face, underarms, and more. Just a few treatments will reveal smoother skin and eliminate the need for waxing or shaving.

Freckles, age spots, cafe-au-lait spots, and sunspots are all key examples of benign pigmented lesions that can be effectively removed with an Astanza Q-switched laser - often in a single treatment.

Vascular lesions can appear on almost any part of the body. Spider veins, telangiectasia, and angiomas are types of small, benign vascular lesions that can be easily treated with Astanza Q-switched laser systems.

Skin Resurfacing
When applied at low energy levels, Q-switched laser light can have an amazing effect on dull complexion, fine lines, and enlarged pores. Dermatological treatments only take minutes to perform and require little to no downtime.

Lasers treatments
Laser Tattoo Removal
The market for tattoo removal has exploded over the last decade, and numerous industry reports show laser tattoo removal to be one of the fastest growing treatments for cosmetic laser practitioners.

Pigmented Lesions
Freckles, age spots, cafe-au-lait spots, and sunspots are all key examples of benign pigmented lesions that can be effectively removed with an Astanza Q-switched laser – often in a single treatment.

Vascular Lesions
Vascular lesions can appear on almost any part of the body. Spider veins, telangiectases, and angiomas are types of small, benign vascular lesions that can be easily treated with Astanza Q-switched laser systems.

Skin Resurfacing
When applied at low energy levels, Q-switched laser light can have an amazing reversal effect on dull complexion, fine lines, and enlarged pores. Dermatological treatments only take minutes to perform and require no downtime.