
Choosing the Best Laser for Providing Cosmetic Vascular Treatments

There are various methods to provide cosmetic vascular treatments, such as sclerotherapy, IPL devices, and excisional therapy. However, one method trumps them all, as vascular laser procedures are less invasive and still as effective as other treatment methods. Astanza has a variety of advanced laser technology devices to treat vascular lesions. Read more below to learn about vascular concerns and Astanza’s aesthetic laser devices to treat these issues.


Types of Veins

There are three types of veins commonly found in the body. The first type is deep veins, located in muscles and along the bones. These veins are responsible for traveling deoxygenated blood from the body to the heart and are not as visible as other veins.

Superficial veins are the closest veins to the epidermis of the skin, easily seen. This type of vein carries blood from the skin to deep veins and is commonly used for medical procedures.

Lastly, perforator veins connect the superficial venous system to the deep venous system. One main characteristic of perforating veins is their valves that help maintain the unidirectional flow of blood and prevent backflow.

Cosmetic Vascular Concerns


Telangiectasia, or spider veins, are dilated or broken blood vessels on the surface of the skin. These veins appear as fine red or blue lines, branching out from a central locus.


Reticular Veins

Reticular veins are faint veins that appear blue-purple in color, but do not have the same texture as varicose veins. These feeder veins occur when veins become dilated, creating a backflow in the blood and increasing the pressure in the veins. Most people see reticular veins in the back of their knees, inner thighs, or ankles.


Rosacea, or Couperose, appears on the nose, cheeks, and chin. This concern is created by broken blood vessels, reddening the area. Some triggers can include excess sunlight, alcohol, and other inflammatory stimulations.

Astanza’s Advanced Laser Technology

As a laser practitioner wanting to add vascular laser procedures to your clinic, it’s essential to have effective, FDA-cleared devices that will enhance your client’s satisfaction. Astanza has two advanced laser devices that can remove vascular concerns within just a few sessions.

The Asclepion QuadroStarPROYELLOW, backed by Astanza, is a table-top yellow laser with a 577nm wavelength that primarily treats benign vascular lesions. The device can be combined with a 1mm MicroSpot handpiece for small, thin vascular lesions that need a more accurate energy pulse. Small telangiectasia can be treated with this handpiece, with one to three sessions needed for complete removal. Additionally, this diode yellow laser can be accessorized with the 15×15 mm scanner. This handpiece creates even pulses throughout the entire treatment area and is mainly used for hyperpigmentation of the skin.

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More visible vascular lesions, such as reticular veins, can be treated with the Asclepion MeDioStar®, backed by Astanza. The MeDioStar® diode laser can be bundled with its vascular (VAS) handpiece, featuring a 940 nm to allow fast, noninvasive treatments. This handpiece has an optimized flat-top beam profile, with a rectangular 4×3 mm spot size, that guarantees the same fluence over the entire spot, decreasing any overlap that other Gaussian-shaped devices ignore. Some patients have seen an incredible difference in their vascular concerns after just one treatment.
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Learn more about how to become an Astanza Laser provider here.

Maximizing Vascular Laser Results: On-Demand Webinar

Astanza’s Senior Clinical Trainer, Krystal Haney, went live on a Clinical Education webinar episode to identify the differences between vascular concerns, explain the stages of varicose veins, show before and after results of real patients treated with Astanza’s advanced laser technology, and provide more information on Astanza’s devices. Astanza’s Client Success Manager, Saxston Seubert, joins Haney sharing details about how to maximize results providing cosmetic vascular laser services.

Access the on-demand version here, or click on the image below.

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Have questions? Contact us at info@astanzalaser.com or give us a call (800) 364-9010.


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