
Laser Tattoo Removal Wavelengths Explained

Light, balloons, confetti – oh my! Have you ever wondered how the technology of lasers, specifically Nd:YAG lasers, works? Luckily for you – the Astanza Science Guys are here to help. With a few different wavelengths, each laser beam works slightly differently in the way it targets the ink underneath the skin. Having a laser that fires correctly allows practitioners to safely perform complete tattoo removal on their patients. Keep reading and watch the video below to learn even more about the technology and science behind laser tattoo removal.

The Three Wavelengths of Nd:YAG Lasers

The Astanza Trinity Q-switched Nd:YAG tattoo removal laser system combines the power of two standalone lasers: The Duality and the EternityTSR. This specialty-combined laser produces three different wavelengths: 532 nanometers (nm), 694 nm, and 1064 nm wavelengths; giving practitioners exceptional tools for treating folks with multicolored, unwanted tattoos. Thanks to its high energy production, full-spectrum capabilities, and a variety of beam improvements, the Astanza Trinity tattoo removal system can remove virtually any tattoo quickly, safely, and effectively.

Watch a special demonstration of how the different wavelengths of lasers attack different colors of ink underneath the skin. Astanza Laser Business Development Manager Josh Walsh and Laser Biomedical Engineer Jordan Hall give a tutorial in the lab at Astanza’s Headquarters.

How the Different Wavelengths Work

As you can see in the Astanza Science Guys video demonstration above, each wavelength targets a different set of colors. The same wavelength that popped the teal balloon was unable to pop the magenta/red balloon. Let’s dive into the science of why that is and how it works on your skin with laser tattoo removal.

Each wavelength targets a specific set of colors. The Astanza Trinity has all three wavelengths in one powerful system, working together to give practitioners a full-spectrum solution against colorful tattoos. The Trinity Nd:YAG laser produces the 1064 nm and 532 nm wavelengths – the most frequently-used (and needed) wavelengths in the tattoo removal field. The 1064 nm wavelength is ideal for treating darker ink tattoos (such as blacks, blues, and greens), and the 532 nm wavelength is effective against the warmer pigments (like reds, oranges, yellows, browns, and violets/indigos). Together, these two wavelengths target the ink colors in about 90-95% of tattoos.

The remaining 5%-10% of tattoos include bright blues and greens that need an additional solution to achieve total tattoo removal.

The Astanza Trinity Nd:YAG’s third wavelength, a unique 694 nm produced by the Eternity ruby laser, specifically targets resistant colors like turquoise, aquamarine, and teal that other wavelengths cannot. The 694 nm wavelength is also effective on black inks that are sometimes resistant and is excellent for treating pigmented lesions. The Trinity’s three wavelengths are high-powered – with 6x the power of dye handpieces – to fully remove resistant inks that other systems struggle to remove.

How to Get Started with Laser Tattoo Removal

Have you been considering adding laser tattoo removal to your business? Well, you’re in luck – getting started with laser tattoo removal just got easier. Adding tattoo removal to your business can be a little complicated, but we’ve developed a few tools to offer helpful information and make your business launch process easier. At Astanza, we strive to provide helpful resources and insights to clients, students, and potential buyers so they feel confident in their decision to move forward with opening or expanding an aesthetic laser practice.

Subscribe to our laser tattoo removal business starter kit here.

And if you enjoyed the educational lesson with the Astanza Science Guys, stay tuned for the next episode coming soon.

sixty day countdown to starting an aesthetic laser business webinar by astanza laser

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