
Guide to Pigmented Lesion Laser Removal

pigmented lesion laser removal

Various factors, including sun overexposure or longer-term sun damage, genetics, and aging, can cause dark spots or pigmented cosmetic irregularities on the skin. Although pigmented lesions do not pose a threat to one’s health, they can be a cause of self-consciousness. As the medical aesthetic industry grows and the demand for procedures such as pigmented lesion laser removal increases, understanding how to optimize your aesthetic laser practice to deliver the best clinical results is important. This article outlines strategies practitioners can utilize to increase patient satisfaction, average medical spa revenue, and overall profitability of their aesthetic laser practice.

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Pigmented Lesion Laser Removal

One of the fastest, safest, and most effective methods of pigmented lesion removal is laser therapy. Key examples of common pigmented lesions include freckles, moles, age spots, café-au-lait spots, sunspots, Nevus of Ota, Nevus of Ito, and Mongolian spots – among others. Pigmented lesion laser removal is only intended for cosmetic purposes and safe for benign lesions; having a medical professional, preferably a dermatologist, check the intended treatment area and clear it for laser therapy is an important step for the overall safety and efficacy of the pigmented lesion laser removal.

Pigmented lesion laser removal includes using a high-intensity beam of light to target and break down the pigmented cells in the lesion. Over time, the lesion will fade and eventually disappear completely. Laser removal for pigmented lesions and similar cosmetic pigmentation concerns only takes about one to three sessions for desired results.

Pigmented lesions are something nearly all people deal with, particularly in older individuals. By offering pigmented lesion laser removal, practitioners can serve their community and provide a lucrative service. If you’re not currently providing pigmented lesion removal at your aesthetic laser practice, consider investing in an FDA-cleared, medical-grade laser machine.

Investing in the Best Aesthetic Laser Device for Pigmented Lesion Laser Removal

Investing in medical-grade, FDA-cleared lasers is wise for practitioners who want to prioritize patient safety and optimal clinical performance. These lasers are designed and tested to meet strict FDA standards, ensuring they are safe and effective for the procedures indicated with the laser machine. Q-switched lasers, like the Astanza Duality, are highly effective for pigmented lesion laser removal.

By using FDA-cleared lasers, aesthetic practitioners can feel confident that they are providing the best possible care for their patients. Additionally, these lasers offer advanced features and capabilities that enhance clinical outcomes and improve patient satisfaction. If you are considering offering laser therapy for pigmented lesion removal and similar aesthetic laser services, investing in medical-grade FDA-cleared lasers is the way to go. Note: It’s important to research and choose a reputable aesthetic laser device provider who can provide the support and resources you need to succeed.

Astanza is the leading provider of medical-grade, FDA-cleared aesthetic laser devices that offer a variety of laser machines that effectively treat pigmented lesions and related cosmetic skin concerns. Learn more about the Astanza Trinity, the Astanza Duality, and the Eternity, as well as the Asclepion PicoStar®MeDioStar®DermaBlate®, and QuadroStarProYELLOW®, backed by Astanza. All of these aesthetic laser devices are FDA-cleared to safely and effectively perform pigmented lesion laser removal.

Q-Switched Lasers for Pigmented Lesion Removal

Q-switched lasers are one of the most common types of laser devices proven to provide exceptional results for all skin types when it comes to pigmented lesion removal and cosmetic pigmentation correction. Regardless if the aesthetic laser device utilizes nanosecond or picosecond technology, both lasers can efficiently remove pigmented lesions.

The Q-switched laser machine targets the pigmentation in the lesion. The skin cells containing excess melanin are absorbed by the laser energy, get heated up, and dissipate – leaving the surrounding skin tissue unaffected. The body processes the skin cell particles and flushes them out naturally through the immune system, revealing smoother, clearer, even-toned skin. Procedural times for pigmentation correction and pigmented lesion removal vary but are overall very short. A small age spot could be removed in less than a minute, while larger pigmented lesion concerns such as birthmarks may take up to several minutes. Typically speaking, aesthetic medical practitioners can service clients from intake time to walking out the door in 15 minutes or less.

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Webinar for Aesthetic Practitioners: Treating Pigmentation Concerns with Medical-Grade Lasers

Looking for even more expert guidance and information regarding pigmented lesion laser removal and related aesthetic medical services? You’re in the right place – Astanza Laser and New Look Laser College’s Clinical Education Webinar Series is hosting an upcoming webinar geared toward existing aesthetic practitioners looking to optimize their current laser services and increase their average medical spa revenue.

Tune into the webinar: Treating Pigmentation Concerns with Medical-Grade Lasers, which streams LIVE on September 26th at noon central via Zoom.

Viewers can expect to learn more about:

– Understanding pigmentation concerns such as melanogenesis, hyperpigmentation, hypopigmentation, vitiligo, and melasma

– Laser treatment options for these common cosmetic pigmentation concerns

– Maximizing patient satisfaction with the best medical-grade laser technology

– Why FDA clearance matters with aesthetic lasers

– Investing in the right device for your aesthetic practice

Viewing the webinar LIVE gives attendees the opportunity to ask the expert hosts questions and get answers in real-time. Can’t make it on September 26th? No worries! Register anyway – by filling out the short form on the linked page, you’ll receive access to join the webinar LIVE as well as receive the recording directly to your email as soon as the webinar concludes.

Become Part of the Astanza Experience

Questions? Ready to expand or optimize your aesthetic laser services? Contact Astanza Today! One of our award-winning team members will guide you every step of the way throughout your entire laser business journey.

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