
Adding Laser Tattoo Removal to Your Business

why your aesthetic practice

Things-to-Consider-When-Adding-Laser-Tattoo-Removal-to-Your-BusinessBusiness owners know that any new venture requires extensive research, guidance, and thoughtful planning. When considering adding laser tattoo removal services to their existing businesses, we support our clients every step of the way, pointing out areas they might not have thought through.

Keep reading for a list of things to consider when adding tattoo removal to your med spa, laser clinic, or tattoo shop!  

1. The “Laser Laws” in Your State

Aesthetic business owners may already be familiar with the concept of “laser laws” in different states. However, not all laser procedures (or cosmetic procedures in general) are regulated the same way across the US. Each state usually holds differing regulations dictating what qualifications, education, training, etc., a person needs to perform laser tattoo removal legally. 

We always recommend that interested buyers research their state’s laser regulations in the early stages of their process. Some states are regulated more strictly and may have a more challenging path to market if the buyer doesn’t have a medical background. On the other hand, some states may only require basic training and certification. Researching your state’s laser regulations before diving into financing, scoping out the competition, heavily researching laser systems, etc. will save you time and energy in the long-run.

sixty day countdown to starting an aesthetic laser business webinar by astanza laser

2. Potential Competitors in Your Area

Who are the competitors in your area? How are their marketing efforts and online presence? What devices do they use? How far are they from your location? How competitive is their pricing? 

Business owners interested in adding laser tattoo removal should do their due diligence to answer all these questions! It’s crucial to understand the market you’re diving into, as this will dictate many decisions you make regarding your business’ technology, marketing, procedure pricing, and more. It’s always wise to audit the competition before implementing new services and continue to do so throughout the year. 

3. Laser Training and Certification  

After determining if you’re legally able to perform laser tattoo removal in your area and have a good grasp on the competition, be sure to research how to receive training and certification on your device! Whether you plan to fire the laser yourself, train an existing staff member, or hire a new laser practitioner, it’s essential to know where you can turn to learn how to safely and effectively fire your laser. 

We’ve found it’s best to train staff on new laser tattoo removal equipment in the weeks/months leading up to the purchase or as close to the installation date as possible. Many manufacturers, including Astanza Laser, offer weekend training courses and onsite training and certification during installation. However, unlike most manufacturers, Astanza offers FREE lifetime training and clinical support – supporting each of our clients every step of the way. Whether it’s through New Look Laser College courses in Dallas, on-site clinical education, or service support via phone and video calls, Astanza’s expert Biomedical Service Engineers are here for you.

Always take advantage of the time you get with your laser manufacturers, suppliers, installers, and instructors to ask them specific questions, go over device settings, expected patient reactions, side effects, etc. 

4. Laser Technology that Meets Your Technical and Financial Needs

After spending less than an hour researching tattoo removal lasers online, you may find a lot of noise, flashy marketing, and claims that over-promise results and timeframes. Be wary of these systems, as they usually offer attractive pricing upfront, but either don’t deliver the results they promise or break down easily, costing the buyer more in the long run to repair the faulty system. Also, purchasing lasers from “questionable” sites increases the risk of buying a system not FDA-cleared for use in the US. 

Always ask the seller about FDA-clearance, warranty availability/service plans, and financing options. Most reputable manufacturers and distributors should be able to service the systems they sell you and offer varying tiers of warranty plans, should something break down on your laser.  

These more reliable companies should also be able to offer financing (either through themselves or a trusted lender with experience in capital equipment). Like purchasing a home, the lender will typically require a downpayment and check the buyer’s credit score when walking you through financing your tattoo removal laser. Internal business development managers are generally willing to help you reconfigure your budget to account for a reasonable monthly laser payment. 

Subscribe: “Ultimate Starter Kit for Growing Your Business with Laser Tattoo Removal”

We know there’s so much that goes into growing a business with new services, and finding the best place to start can be overwhelming. To help ease the process, we created a step-by-step starter kit that sends subscribers weekly emails delivering content on expanding your existing business with laser tattoo removal!

By subscribing to the “Ultimate Starter Kit for Growing Your Business with Laser Tattoo Removal,” you’ll gain access to helpful ebooks, webinars, guides, and more to guide you through the buying process and help answer new questions you think of along the way. Our Starter Kit touches on laser regulations, training, competition, technology, financing, and more.  Click here or below to subscribe today for free! 

Click to Subscribe - The Ultimate Starter Kit for Growing Your Business with Laser Tattoo Removal


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