
Return on Investment for Laser Tattoo Removal

why your aesthetic practice

The world of aesthetics and medicine has changed tremendously ever since the development of lasers. These light based energy systems have generated new and exciting procedures including noninvasive skin treatments, laser eye surgery, and much more.



One niche industry that has greatly benefitted from the advancement of laser technology is the tattoo removal field. Lasers for tattoo removal have widely become known as the safest, most effective solution for dealing with unwanted tattoos. A recent study conducted by The Harris Poll shows that the demand for laser tattoo removal has steadily increased over the past few years. Today, three in ten American adults have at least one tattoo. While not all tattooed individuals experience regret, 23% of the tattoo population end up regretting at least one of their tattoos. This statistic has increased from the 14% in 2012.

As evidence shows, the tattoo removal industry shows no signs of slowing down. The high demand for this procedure is proof that laser tattoo removal can add significant profit to any practice.

This article discusses different aspects of the return on investment for those interested in entering the laser tattoo removal field, or those looking to add laser tattoo removal to their existing practice.



Invest in Good Technology

trinity_wide_C_bright_final_web.jpgBefore thinking about ROI, entrepreneurs and medical professionals alike should first think about the technology that will deliver those returns. The key to having a successful laser tattoo removal business lies in the laser investment. 

Machines from many laser manufacturers range in price from $50,000 to $300,000. Although these figures may seem alarming to some, the investment required to start laser tattoo removal is relatively small when compared to the amount of income that can be generated from laser tattoo removal treatments. Furthermore, tattoo removal with quality laser technology can reduce the number of treatments required to remove body art compared to other methods such as tattoo removal creams and injectable solutions.

When shopping around for the right laser for your practice, you want to make sure you are investing in technology that will deliver the best results for your clinic and your patients. Does the laser treat all ink colors? Does the laser come with service and marketing support? Does the manufacturer provide extensive laser training? If the answer to these questions is yes, then you know you are making a smart investment.



Additional Procedures

DSC_0303.jpgAn added plus to investing in a laser for tattoo removal is that most lasers are also effective for a variety of additional aesthetic procedures. One of the reasons why aesthetic and cosmetic procedures are so popular is because they can rewind time, so to speak. Laser tattoo removal uses advanced Q-switched technology to break up ink and eliminate any traces of tattoo regret.

Similarly, lasers are also used to remove unwanted blemishes and turn back signs of aging. Popular procedures include pigmented lesion removal, vascular lesion removal, and skin rejuvenation. Many laser tattoo removal practices offer these procedures to gain additional revenue and yield even greater returns. 

Furthermore, laser tattoo removal is a cash-based procedure meaning you don’t have to deal with the hassles of insurance companies.



Tattoo Removal Profitability

Laser tattoo removal is a very simple procedure that requires absolutely no downtime. The average treatment time takes less than 15 minutes and usually costs around $212 per treatment. Also, most patients require multiple sessions before achieving complete tattoo removal. When you combine these figures together, you can easily calculate the massive profit potential for entering the laser tattoo removal industry.

Laser tattoo removal practitioners can charge a premium for their time. Many physicians, tattoo artists, and medical spas have found that laser tattoo removal can be a lucrative addition to their business.

Here is a monthly breakdown to help give you a better depiction of the return on investment you could be making with laser tattoo removal.


When you calculate this revenue opportunity in relation to the minimum cost of ownership, you have an unbeatable return on investment.



Laser tattoo removal is a very profitable procedure that is seeing more demand as the years go by. Only a few procedures need to be performed every month in order to cover the cost of the laser. Once a patient receives one treatment, they are very committed to stick through a series of treatments in order to achieve complete removal. 

Astanza has assisted numerous practices worldwide enter this industry and thrive in it. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to enter this fast-growing industry, or wish to add laser tattoo removal to your existing practice, our Astanza representatives are ready to help you.


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