
Social Media Tips for your Aesthetic Laser Business

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The Astanza Marketing Team recently attended the 2019 Medical Spa Show in Las Vegas!  Astanza is always looking for the latest industry insights we can share with clients to help their businesses succeed.  We’ll be sharing some of the advanced strategies for growing your aesthetic business we learned at this awesome conference over the next few weeks in a series of blog posts.  This week, check out some social media best practices, tips and tricks to help grow your aesthetic business!

*NOTE – While these tips are important, they’re just the tip of the iceberg of the advanced strategies we learned.  Get the full scoop during New Look Laser College Courses, where we teach marketing and business tactics in addition to comprehensive laser tattoo removal training!  View the NLLC schedule here. 

The Power of Social Media
socialSocial media can be an incredibly powerful tool for growing your aesthetic business when leveraged the right way and finding things that not only work well for your brand, but also resonate with your followers.

We heard from several successful aestheticians and business owners who started out simply posting to their business accounts and eventually grew their practices until million-dollar ventures with thousands (or millions) of social media followers.  Putting in the effort to fine tune your social presence can lead to real profit earned for your aesthetic business!

It’s okay to feel overwhelmed by starting, managing and growing your business’ social media accounts. It’s a huge task. These simple steps can help you get started:

Decide What Platforms You Want to Use
IGA little intimated by trying to master every social platform out there? Don’t be.  You really only need a few to get your social media presence off the ground.  The Big 3: FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

Facebook and Instagram are usually the most powerful social platforms for aesthetic businesses.  Your business’ Facebook page essentially serves as a social “website” to your followers where you can share any and every type of online content relevant to your business and your clients (blogs, links, photos, videos, polls, live streams, etc.).  Instagram can be an incredibly powerful tool for showing off your business. Think of Instagram as the visual snapshot for your business – your followers should be able to scroll through your feed and immediately understand who you are and what you.

Decide Your Brand’s Message & Tailor Content to Your Followers
brandIf you were managing the Instagram account for a professional football team, you probably wouldn’t post a bunch of basketball photos.  The same goes for your aesthetic business.

If you’re managing the social media accounts for your tattoo business, your followers should be fed relevant content, i.e: tattoo artwork completed by your tattoo artists, videos of tattoos in progress, before and after photos of laser tattoo removals, introductory posts of your staff, tips for tattoo / tattoo removal aftercare, industry news, etc.  Your followers likely followed you for a reason – They want more of that aesthetic content they know they can trust you to deliver!

If your business offers multiple services, be sure to showcase all of them.  Remember, before-and-after treatment photos of any kind of aesthetic procedure are highly engaging and will get more attention on your pages!

Leverage Hashtags to Your Advantage
hashtags Hashtags can be powerful on Instagram and Twitter, but it’s not always the more the merrier.  You’ll see some accounts that spam their own posts with 30 hashtags at the end of their caption, but that’s typically not the best practice.

Instagram may actually read that as spam, decrease the visibility of that post and limit your exposure to your followers that should’ve seen that post.  Instead, try using 2-5 hashtags per post, as recommended by aesthetic industry social media giants.  Keep them relevant, readable, and slightly different for each post.  Don’t just use the same couple of hashtags for every post – change it up a little to vary your engagement! #YouGotThis

Keep At It!
Earning 1,000,000 followers doesn’t happen overnight, and more often than not, these processes are slow-growing.  One of the most important things to keep in mind when investing in your social media presence is that consistency is key.  Going off the grid and not posting any content to your various platforms does more harm than good, even if you think your content might not be that great.  Of course, strive for quality content, but know that’s it’s okay if your content isn’t perfect and wrapped up with a bow for every single post.

NOT posting for several days or weeks at a time limits your overall exposure to your followers and makes it harder to bounce back from – so when you come back online, come back with a bang!  Share some really attention-grabbing and memorable content to help re-engage with your followers.

Like we said, these tips are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to mastering your business’s social media platforms and presence.  We’ll be diving deeper into fine-tuning your aesthetic business’ social media at upcoming New Look Laser College courses available throughout the US (and at some overseas courses as well!).  Until then, stay tuned for next Post-Medical Spa Show blog for other strategies for growing your aesthetic business!


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CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP for the exclusive webinar hosted by Astanza: Skin Resurfacing Reimagined – Introducing the Astanza DermaBlate!  Attendees will learn more about how the DermaBlate is revolutionizing skin resurfacing and ablation treatments. Hear from our team of aesthetic experts and view treatments with the DermaBlate, the most powerful, versatile and controllable Erbium laser on the market.

WHEN: March 21, 2019 @ 2:00 PM CST

SIGN UP FOR THE WEBINARsixty day countdown to starting an aesthetic laser business webinar by astanza laser

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