This week, Astanza’s President, David Murrell, and VP of Marketing, Brian Hasenbauer, attended the Global Homeboy Network hosted by Homeboy Industries in Los Angeles, California. David was given the opportunity to speak at workshops and panel discussions about the positive impact laser tattoo removal has on high-risk youth and former gang members. The Network Gathering first launched in 2014 and has since helped hundreds of organizations create successful programs that aid and serve high-risk and in-need communities around the nation.
One of the most popular and critical services that Homeboy Industries offers is laser tattoo removal. After many years of providing tattoo removal treatments, Homeboy Industries upgraded their older laser technology to the Astanza Duality in 2014 to better serve individuals with unwanted, offensive, unwelcome, or gang-related tattoos.
Most of the individuals that come to Homeboy Industries are formerly gang-involved and previously incarcerated men and women that wish to shed their past and become positive contributions to their community. And while their hearts and mindsets may have transformed, their outward appearance hinders numerous homeboys and homegirls from securing employment or even obtaining an education.
Today, Homeboy Industries is one of the highest-volume non-profit laser tattoo removal organizations and treats approximately 3,000 tattoos for 950 clients per month. Their non-profit tattoo removal program is often used as a “gateway” service that leads individuals to further seek the health, education, and career development programs at Homeboy Industries.
Laser tattoo removal is often viewed as a simple aesthetic procedure, but for many, laser tattoo removal can be a life-changing event. In our continued efforts to give back to the community and change lives, Astanza is hosting a webinar focused on non-profit laser tattoo removal.
The Deinked for a Cause webinar will cover various topics including information about successful non-profits that currently perform laser tattoo removal, the biggest challenges nonprofits should expect, funding a laser tattoo removal non-profit, and what technology to use to perform treatments.
The webinar will be held on October 16, 2018 at the following times:
- 11 am PDT
- 12 pm MDT
- 1 pm CDT
- 2 pm EDT
Registrants can sign up for the 45-minute webinar at this link. There will be a dedicated time for questions and answers at the end of the webinar.