
Social Media for Laser Tattoo Removal and MedSpas

on-demand webinar social media laser tattoo removal

Social media is an essential marketing tool that has helped numerous aesthetic businesses and medical spas connect with customers, attract leads, increase brand awareness, and boost sales. Astanza has developed an on-demand webinar that you can watch at your leisure to learn more about effectively using social media for your medspa or aesthetic business.

Social platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and more, are used by consumers worldwide to connect with businesses and other audiences about specific interests. In fact, in 2020, 80 percent of the US population had a social networking profile, and according to estimates, the number of worldwide social media users reached 4.2 billion in January 2021.

In addition to gaining referrals and getting positive reviews, social media can educate potential leads and existing clients about your services and create opportunities for immediate, direct conversations between interested individuals and your brand. It’s safe to say that your medical spa needs to have a solid social media presence to build your brand, attract new clients, and nurture existing relationships. In this on-demand webinar, Astanza Laser partnered with guest-host Precision Laser, Easton, PA’s leading aesthetic laser clinic. Jessica Talley of Precision Laser details how social media helped grow their laser tattoo removal-focused business into a full-service medical spa and gives insights and strategies for building a successful social media presence.

During the on-demand webinar, “Social Media Marketing for Med Spas and Aesthetics Professionals,” viewers will learn more about:

About Precision Laser
Precision Laser is a leading aesthetic laser clinic in Easton, PA, specializing in advanced laser services for various skin and aesthetic concerns. They are a family-owned and operated business whose primary goal is to provide safe and effective treatments using cutting-edge laser technology. Established in May 2019 as a laser tattoo removal-focused practice, Precision Laser has since expanded into a full-service aesthetic practice that offers hair removal, vascular lesion removal, pigmented lesion removal, acne treatment, and more.

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Be sure to follow Precision Laser on Instagram and Facebook too!


  • Free to STREAM upon registration.
  • Register to view by filling out the form on this page.
  • This ON-DEMAND webinar was previously recorded.

 sixty day countdown to starting an aesthetic laser business webinar by astanza laser

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