
Regulations for Laser Tattoo Removal and Laser Hair Removal

Navigating laser regulations and acquiring the proper certification, training and insurance is crucial to the long term safety and success of an aesthetic laser clinic. State laser regulations for tattoo removal and hair removal can be a little tricky to understand, so enlisting the support of professionals will be helpful in the beginning stages of opening or expanding aesthetic laser businesses.

Whether they are intended to remove tattoos or hair, or perform other aesthetic procedures, the ownership and actual operation of aesthetic laser machines is governed at the state level in the U.S. One of the most frequently asked questions from entrepreneurs entering the field of laser aesthetics is, “can I perform this laser procedure in my state?”. Continue reading this article to learn more about navigating state laser regulations for tattoo removal and hair removal.

Laser Regulations Common to All Aesthetic Practitioners

While laser regulations for tattoo removal and hair removal can vary considerably from state to state, a few rulings remain commonly consistent across state lines. There are some exceptions to the general rule, but most state laser regulations for both hair removal and tattoo removal require a medical director with the proper credentials to be affiliated with the clinic. However, specific medical director rulings differ by state. For example, some states simply require a medical director to be listed on staff but their work can be performed entirely virtually, while other states require the medical director to be within a specifically determined mile radius of the practice.

Lasers that perform tattoo removal, hair removal, photofacials, skin resurfacing and other related cosmetic procedures are Class II devices per the FDA product classification system; investing in and operating FDA-cleared laser equipment is necessary to ensure safety and success of an aesthetic laser business.

Astanza is the leading provider of medical grade, FDA-cleared laser equipment in the U.S. and has a team of experienced professionals ready to guide you every step of the way throughout your entire laser business journey. Don’t hesitate to contact Astanza for more guidance on state laser regulations and business operations.

Click to download the ebook - Guide to Researching Laser Regulations in Your State

State Regulations for Laser Tattoo Removal

In general, state regulations for laser tattoo removal practitioners are far less strict than those for laser hair removal practitioners. In fact, business owners in all but a handful of states can operate laser tattoo removal practices with no medical background prerequisites. A few states have no regulation in this area whatsoever. The majority have some regulation in place but require very little of laser tattoo removal practitioners overall. A few states have more stringent regulation that favors medical professionals with advanced degrees. California, for example, requires a person to be an RN or higher in order to provide laser tattoo removal services.

In most cases, however, an entrepreneur with no medical education or degree whatsoever can own and operate a tattoo removal laser device. Although this is possible with precious few regulatory hurdles in 45 states, certain states and territories such as New York, Florida, Nevada, Hawaii, and Texas, are particularly friendly to small business owners in the tattoo removal sector. View this interactive map to learn more about your state’s particular tattoo removal regulations.

State Regulations for Laser Hair Removal

State regulations that govern laser hair removal differ significantly from those that govern laser tattoo removal. Generally speaking, the barrier of entry for new hair removal practices is a little higher than it is for tattoo removal practices. In other words, laser hair removal practitioners typically require longer periods of training and hands-on practice as well as more stringent medical oversight.

Although there are many potential reasons for this considerable regulatory discrepancy, two of the biggest factors at play are history of service and market size. Compared to laser tattoo removal, laser hair removal has been a popular procedure for a much longer period of time and served a substantially larger group of patient-consumers.

The good news about laser hair removal regulations is that they are more widely published, more sharply defined, and therefore a bit easier to navigate than laser tattoo removal regulations. Most states have laser hair removal laws readily accessible on their official .gov websites. You can also turn to Astanza for assistance with specific laser hair removal regulations in your state and how to get started in the laser hair removal industry.

The Critical Difference Between Laser Ownership and Laser Operation

Whether dealing with laser tattoo removal or laser hair removal, it is important to note that many state regulations draw clear distinctions between who can own an aesthetic laser device and who can operate an aesthetic laser device. For example, many states make it possible for the head of a tattoo removal or hair removal business to own a laser even if he or she isn’t qualified to physically operate it.

If state regulations stipulate that a registered nurse or another skilled medical professional must fire an aesthetic laser, a non-medical professional can still run the business that offers the aesthetic laser services in most cases. That non-medical professional must simply employ qualified and certified aesthetic laser practitioners and refrain from operating the laser themself.

Learn More about the Astanza Experience

As the leading provider of medical grade, FDA-cleared aesthetic laser machines, Astanza has a long history of success helping people start profitable laser tattoo removal and laser hair removal businesses. Contact Astanza today for guidance on navigating relevant state aesthetic laser regulations and conducting the due diligence processes necessary to pass them. Our award-winning team of aesthetic laser professionals is here to guide you every step of the way throughout your entire laser business journey.


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