
Join Astanza for a Laser Hair Removal Webinar featuring Renew MedSpa


As an aesthetic business owner, evaluating your revenue streams and considering other avenues to increase your profitability is always good practice. Expanding your practice’s services is one of the best ways to generate additional revenue. This is the route many laser businesses take since most aesthetic lasers on the market can perform various skin procedures.

If you’re an existing aesthetic practitioner who’s been thinking about buying a new laser and adding on services, then our upcoming webinar is the perfect resource for you! Join us on July 27, 2022, at noon central for our informative webinar, Increase MedSpa Profits by Adding Laser Hair Removal, co-hosted by Astanza client, Renew MedSpa. Can’t make it live? Register anyway to receive the recording directly to your inbox afterward.

About Renew MedSpa

Renew MedSpa is a leading aesthetic laser practice in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota. It started as a laser tattoo removal business but has since expanded into a full-service medical spa by growing its services to include laser hair removal, carbon facials, vascular lesion removal, and more.

In the webinar, you’ll hear firsthand from Renew MedSpa’s owner, Brianna Ulrich, about her laser business journey and how she doubled her profits by adding additional services to better serve her clientele. Register for the webinar today to hear insightful tips from an experienced business owner about the lessons she learned to grow her practice and win over customers successfully.

Laser Hair Removal: An Easy Addition

Many aesthetic business owners who contemplate whether they should add a new service tend to land on laser hair removal. Why? Laser hair removal is considered one of the industry’s most popular and sought-after non-invasive aesthetic treatments. For example, while Renew MedSpa started as a laser tattoo removal specialty practice, Brianna realized that market and demographic is very niche. While the demand for tattoo removal is very high and continues to grow, only people with tattoos, specifically those with tattoo regret or in the market for tattoo modification, are seeking laser tattoo removal.

Laser hair removal, however, is a universal treatment that any person can receive. Both men and women are prime candidates for laser hair removal because let’s be honest, who doesn’t have unwanted hair? Many laser providers who aren’t offering laser hair removal tend to get asked by clients if they provide laser hair removal. If you don’t, that creates an opportunity for your client to take their business elsewhere. By offering additional services, especially ones your existing clientele are interested in, you can increase revenue, attract new clients, and retain the existing ones.

Preview of Webinar Topics

During the webinar, Increase MedSpa Profits by Adding Laser Hair Removal, we’ll be asking Ulrich some hard-hitting topics that all laser business owners are curious about, including:

  • How to get started in the laser industry
  • Specifics on the timeline of setting up a business
  • Growth strategy for adding on new services
  • Laser hair removal state regulations
  • Client and market analysis
  • How to attract more leads and potential clients
  • And more!

Join us to get an inside look at what it takes to add on an additional revenue stream to your business and become a go-to aesthetic provider in your area. Click here or the image below to reserve your spot for our webinar, Increase MedSpa Profits by Adding Laser Hair Removal.


learn how to increase med spa profits by adding laser hair removal in this pre recorded webinar

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