
Celebrate Your Aesthetic Practice Staff! It’s National Nurses Week

Successful businesses aren’t created overnight; they’re built over time with the help of dedicated employees always working to create the best experience possible for their clients. As an aesthetic practice owner, you’re well aware of how important hiring and maintaining a strong team is. Without the help of your office staff and aesthetic practitioners, your clinic wouldn’t be where it is today.

We need nurses in so many different settings, from hospitals to emergency clinics to schools. Nurses are an integral part of any major MedSpa or laser business in the aesthetics world. National Nurses Week celebrates these hard-working individuals from May 6 through May 12. Use this week to recognize your aesthetic practice staff and honor the nurses. Continue reading this blog for ways to praise the special nurses in your life.

Sing Their Praises on Social Media

A shout-out to your staff on your aesthetic practice’s social pages is great to show appreciation. However, a lot of the work nurses do behind the scenes isn’t widely acknowledged. Consider posting a photo or video on Instagram and Facebook of each nurse on your MedSpa team. Share a brief bio and what you love most about working with them!

If you have multiple nurses on your aesthetic clinic’s team, post one per day and then share a group photo of your entire staff on the last day of National Nurses Week. This gives each special recognition and highlights how many folks it takes to operate your laser business successfully. If your MedSpa is already pretty active on social media and you’ve got some folks who love to hop on trends and make fun videos, think of how you can incorporate a dance or funny skit via IG Reels or Tikok to celebrate the holiday.
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Host an In-Office Party

Nothing says thank you like a free meal and some goodies! Another way to celebrate your aesthetic practice’s nursing staff is to host an in-office party. Think about closing the clinic early one afternoon or taking a long lunch to share a meal and enjoy each other’s company. It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running an aesthetic clinic, but taking the time to slow down and honor the individuals who make your business successful is essential.

Whether you have a potluck, cater in some food, or have a post-work day happy hour, celebrating your staff with a delicious meal and delightful company will go a long way. Be sure to take photos and share them on your social media pages – this is the perfect way to praise your team and showcase your office space at the same time.

Gift them a Free Treatment

Being on your feet all day and caring for patients can be tiring. So let your nurses hop in the treatment chair this time! Consider gifting them a free treatment (or two) of their choice. Your staff is helping your clients feel and look their best, and letting them experience the full-blown spa treatment is the perfect way to honor their hard work. Whether it’s laser hair removal, laser tattoo removal, injectables, or facials – whichever services your practice already offers, let them choose their favorite.

If you have multiple nurses on your aesthetic practice team, consider dedicating an afternoon or an entire day to giving them the five-star treatment.

However you decide to celebrate, National Nurses Week is the perfect time to show your appreciation for your aesthetic practice staff. It’s also a great way to increase your brand awareness since it’s a national holiday, and dozens of other companies and organizations will be posting online. Be sure to incorporate trending hashtags like #NursesWeek and #NationalNursesWeek.

Are you looking for some more MedSpa marketing tips? We’ve got the perfect resource for you. Click here to check out our entire aesthetic resources library, or click on the photo below to view a special on-demand webinar featuring one of Astanza’s clients giving tips and tricks on how to successfully market your MedSpa or laser clinic.



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