
Celebrate Earth Day with Laser Hair Removal


Planting trees, cleaning up trash or debris, and packing up an extra bag of recyclables are all great ways to contribute to the celebration of Earth Day. But, what if being kind to Mother Nature this year could be a little more unique?

One thing nearly all adults deal with is unwanted hair. Whether it’s legs, underarms, back – you name it – people seek various methods to rid undesirable hair. Aside from the cost, razors, empty cans of shaving cream, and other shaving products and tools create unnecessary waste for the environment.

What if there was a way to remove unwanted hair that was not only beneficial to your clients, but also to Mother Earth? Luckily for those of you reading this blog – we’ve got just the solution.
sixty day countdown to starting an aesthetic laser business webinar by astanza laser

Save the Planet with the Most Environmentally Friendly Method

In addition to the unnecessary costs of razors and shaving creams or lotions, these methods of hair removal are wasteful. Think of all the unrecyclable materials that go into making razors, bottles of hair removal lotion, and cans of shaving cream. In 2018, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reported about 146.1 million tons of solid waste went into landfills across the country.

While of course razors, lotions, and shaving cream cans don’t comprise the entire 146 million tons, there’s no reason to add to the waste if there are better alternatives. Thanks to the most advanced technology for laser hair removal, such as the Asclepion MeDioStar backed by Astanza, there are no disposable materials needed. The practitioner will apply aloe vera gel to the treatment area, fire the laser, and that’s it! No wraps or bandages are necessary before, during, or after treatment. So not only will offering laser hair removal be beneficial to both your and your clients’ wallets, it’s also the most environmentally friendly method with little to no waste involved.

Cost-Effective, Long-Lasting Results

Laser hair removal is the safest, most effective, and longest-lasting method of removing unwanted hair. Some people may initially be deterred from seeking laser hair removal due to the cost; however, we’ve laid out the numbers for you to educate potential clients on why laser is actually the best option for their skin and their pocketbooks in the long run.

Let’s say someone starts shaving at the age of 13 and continues with this method of hair removal until the age of about 60 or so. Even though a 3-pack of disposable razors for about $7 may seem like a great deal at the time, the overall cost of continually purchasing razors adds up. If a person shaves daily, it’s recommended to switch out their razor every week. That’s roughly four razors a month! If someone’s buying a 3-pack of razors for $7 every three weeks, they’d be spending around $126 a year. If they shave until the age of 60, that’s almost a staggering $6,000. And that’s just the razors – not to mention other shaving supplies.

Encourage your clientele to ditch their razors and choose laser! 

If you’re an existing aesthetic practitioner looking to expand your business by adding laser hair removal, check out this ebook for a detailed guide!


download the free ebook about expanding an aesthetic business by adding laser hair removal

If you’re looking at starting a new career or want more information about laser hair removal technology, contact Astanza today. One of our experts will be more than happy to guide you every step of the way.

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