
Financing Your Aesthetic Laser

Working with Your Business Model When Financing a Laser Purchase

Financing a laser machine is the most common way aesthetic lasers are purchases. The world-wide aesthetic industry is booming with a great potential for profit by entrepreneurs, physicians, and existing medspas. Several forces are at play in the worldwide boom in the aesthetic industry including; an increase in the number of people with tattoos (and tattoo regrets), an aging population with a growing disposable income, and new treatments that appeal to a wider audience, including men.

How to Buy Laser Tattoo Removal Machines

How do you tap into the booming aesthetic industry? It’s simple: the key ingredient to tap into this exploding market is a quality and affordable laser. At Astanza, we try to make the aesthetic laser machine purchasing process simple too. It doesn’t matter whether its a tattoo removal laser, hair removal device, or Erbium YAG laser… our third-party financial companies can help you with whatever your aesthetic laser equipment needs are.

Our finance consultants can work with your business model and budget to help arrange a financing plan for your Astanza laser purchase.

Flexible Financing Options for Aesthetic Lasers

To arrange financing for a laser system, many Astanza customers will contact their local bank or credit union where they have an existing relationship. An Astanza sales representative will provide an invoice and purchase agreement to you and your lender or accountant.

For customers that would like to explore additional finance options, Astanza works with a number of highly regarded independent lending sources. We have established strong relationships that are able to secure funds for our customers with attractive rates and variable terms. Use our financing payment calculator by clicking here.

Simple Approval Process for Laser Purchases

We strive to make financing an aesthetic laser machine as straightforward as possible to connect you quickly with the laser your practice needs. For most customers, financing simply requires a credit score and a few financial statements. For many physicians and entrepreneurs with existing practices or ventures, financing approval can take mere hours to complete. Astanza’s expert financial consultants facilitate the entire process for customer peace of mind.

To learn more about financing an aesthetic laser or simply how to buy laser tattoo removal machines and other aesthetic laser devices, please contact an Astanza representative or distributor, or fill out the form on the right side of the page, and we’ll get in touch with you to discuss financing options. touch with you to discuss financing options.

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