

How to Buy an Aesthetic Laser – Financing, Section 179, and More!

Opal Taskila

Director of Sales at Astanza

Jessica Brandt

Content Marketing Manager at Astanza

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Not sure how to buy an aesthetic laser for your medical spa or laser clinic? Astanza is excited to answer your questions and share our insight into purchasing aesthetic lasers during our special webinar hosted with Geneva Capital! 

How to Buy an Aesthetic Laser – Financing, Section 179 and More!

Not sure how to buy an aesthetic laser for your medical spa or laser clinic? Astanza is excited to answer your questions and share our insight into purchasing aesthetic lasers during our special webinar hosted with Geneva Capital! We realized the lack of information surrounding the logistics of actually purchasing capital equipment in the aesthetics industry, so during our “How to Purchase an Aesthetic Laser” webinar, we’ll dive into these topics and more: 

How much does a laser cost? 

There’s a considerable amount of gray area around the real cost of an aesthetic laser and what goes into getting ready to provide laser services in your clinic. We’ll discuss the average price of laser equipment, servicing the devices, training, and more. 

Main Info:

  • FREE to watch upon registration.
  • Register to watch by submitting the form on this page. 
  • This webinar was previously recorded. 

Where do I buy a laser? 

We’ll discuss the dos and don’ts of purchasing and help you understand what to look for in a laser distributor. Our first piece of advice: Be wary of sellers who over-promise at a low price-point. 

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