
Laser Hair Removal Before & After Photos

Laser Hair Removal Results

The Asclepion MeDioStar®, backed by Astanza, removes unwanted hair effectively and safely on any skin type, including tanned skin. 

View the before and after pictures below to check out the type of results you could provide in your practice with Astanza technology.

Before & Afters - Hair Removal

Underarm 2 - Before Underarm 2 - After
Arm - Before Arm - After
Underarm - Before Underarm - After
Upper Lip - Before Upper Lip - After
Mustache - Before Mustache - After
Beard - Before Beard - After

How Laser Hair Removal Works

A laser hair removal treatment starts by emitting bursts of bright light onto the area with unwanted hair. The light penetrates through the skin, selectively targeting the melanin in the hair follicles. The pigment absorbs the light energy, destroying the hair follicle.

Hair follicles grow in cycles, so multiple treatment sessions are required to target each hair during their growth stage. Patients can see results after the first treatment, but will become more noticeable with each additional treatment until all follicles are destroyed and hair growth is successfully discontinued.

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